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Download anistuuna Egyptian colloquial pdf


Anistuuna Egyptian colloquial

 Welcome to my English Library website, today we are providing a very important book for those who are looking for books to learn and improve there Arabic language, specially the Egyptian accent.

Anistuuna book is one of the best books in teaching Arabic in one hand and learning the Egyptian colloquial in the other.

محتويات الكتاب

This book provides

1- Preliminary stage involving four stages
  • Alphabet & numbers
  • Consonants & vowels
  • Masculine & feminine
  • Sentences & phrases

2- Two units , each unit consists of five lessons one of which is a review for the four previous lessons:

3- Glossary
4- Useful vocabulary for survival Arabic.

مواصفات الكتاب

  • اعداد /  ناهد عوني
  • عدد الصفحات /  171 صفحات
  • الحجم / 58 ميجابايت

معاينة الكتاب

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